小鼠Wnt-3a蛋白(WNT3A)价格(25ug,W3A-M-025 )



小鼠Wnt-3a蛋白(25ug,W3A-M-025 )基本信息:

Description: Wnt-3a belongs to the Wnt family of signaling proteins that play a key role in maintaining the integrity of embryonic and adult tissues. Expression of Wnt-3a occurs primarily along the dorsal midline across overlapping regions of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Wnt-3a signaling is essential for various morphogenetic events including embryonic patterning, cell determination, cell proliferation, CNS development, and cytoskeletal formation. like other members of this family, Wnt-3a contains a highly conserved lipid modified cysteine rich domain that is essential for cell signaling. During a biochemical process called the canonical Wnt pathway; Wnt family members bind to and activate seven-pass transmembrane receptors of the Frizzled family ultimay leading to the disruption of β-Catenin degradation. Intracellular accumulation of β-Catenin increases translocation of the protein into the nucleus where it binds to TCF/LEF transcription factors to promote gene expression. Lack of Wnt signaling disrupts transcriptional activation of tumor suppressor genes and has shown to result in neoplastic transformation, oncogenesis, and human degenerative diseases. Recombinant murine Wnt-3a is a monomeric glycoprotein containing 328 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, the murine Wnt-3a migrates at an apparent molecular weight of approximay 38.0-41.0 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing conditions.

Source: cell culture

Molecular Weight: 38-41 kDa Purity: > 75% by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis Endotoxin level/内毒素水平: < 0.1 ng per μg of Wnt-3a

Stabilizer: none

Formulation: lyophilized


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小鼠Wnt-3a蛋白(25ug,W3A-M-025 )应用目的:

小鼠Wnt-3a基因是Wnt基因家族中的重要成员,其编码表达Wnt-3a信号蛋白.Wnt-3a信号蛋白可以激活经典的Wnt/β-catenin信号通路.Wnt-3a信号蛋白对神经干细胞表现出明显的促神经元分化的作用.我们应用基因重组的方法,从小鼠胚脑中克隆Wnt-3a cDNA,构建真核表达载体。

小鼠Wnt-3a蛋白(25ug,W3A-M-025 )英文简述:

WNT-3a is a member of the WNT family of signaling proteins that play a key role in embryonic development and the integrity of adult tissues. WNT-3a is a prototypic canonical WNT that signals through the beta-catenin pathway. The predicted size of mouse WNT-3a is a monomeric protein containing 333 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of 40 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing conditions.

