

产品名称 无磁不锈钢砝码F1(1g)
英文名称 Non Magnetic Stainless Steel Weight F1(1g)
品牌 芯硅谷
规格或纯度 规格:1g;密度:7.94-7.96g/cm3;磁化率:0.07-0.005;极化强度:E2≤8μT;F1≤25μT

● 最高质量的铸铁砝码是采用独特的设计方式,可提供更最高的安全性和生产率 ● 标称值从 1 毫克到 2 公斤 ● 砝码准确度等级达到 OIML 所规定的 E1 至 M3 等级,NIST 所规定的 F 等级和 ANSI/ ASTM 所规定的第 6 等级 ● 带不锈钢提手拉手架的砝码适合在无尘室内和冲洗应用领域使用 ● 所有具有校准证书的砝码均符合 ISO17025 要求






● 最高质量的铸铁砝码是采用独特的设计方式,可提供更最高的安全性和生产率
● 标称值从 1 毫克到 2 公斤
● 砝码准确度等级达到 OIML 所规定的 E1 至 M3 等级,NIST 所规定的 F 等级和 ANSI/ ASTM 所规定的第 6 等级
● 带不锈钢提手拉手架的砝码适合在无尘室内和冲洗应用领域使用
● 所有具有校准证书的砝码均符合 ISO17025 要求

Specification: 1g; Density: 7.94 to 7.96 g/cm3; Magnetic susceptibility: 0.07 to 0.005; Polarization: E2≤8uT;F1≤25uT

Thanks to their monobloc design, Premium Line weights are used in mass labs all over the world, and for calibration of analytical and micro balances. Premium, vacuum melted steel offers an anticorrosive surface, and low magnetization and susceptibility values. Monobloc design and electro polishing of surface provide maximum stability. Initial weight calibration uses robotic technology which excludes human error and leads to consistent and reproducible results with low uncertainty values.

● Iron weight is of the highest quality adopts unique design method, can provide more of the highest safety and productivity
● Nominal value from 1 mg to 2 kg
● Weight accuracy level OIML specified level of E1 to M3, NIST of F grade and the grade 6 stipulated in the ANSI/ASTM
● With stainless steel weight of the stand hand in hand for the clean room and washing applications use
● All weights with calibration certificate meet ISO17025 requirement
