Dojindo,Cellstain-DAPI溶液/1/D523,DAPI 是一种 AT 序列特异性 DNA 嵌入剂

DAPI 是一种 AT 序列特异性 DNA 嵌入剂,它像 Hoechst 染料一样在双螺旋的小沟处附着在 DNA 上。 尽管 DAPI 不能透过活细胞膜,但它会通过受干扰的细胞膜对细胞核进行染色。 DAPI 具有较高的光漂白耐受性水平。 DAPI 用于检测酵母中的线粒体 DNA、叶绿体 DNA、病毒 DNA、支原体 DNA 和染色体 DNA。 DAPI-DNA 复合物的激发和发射波长分别为 360 nm 和 460 nm。

Staining Procedure1.Prepare 10-50 μM DAPI solution with PBS or an appropriate buffer.a)2.Add DAPI solution with 1/10 of the volume of cell culture medium to the cell culture.b)3.Incubate the cell at 37oC for 10-20 min.4.Wash cells twice with PBS or an appropriate buffer.5.Observe the cells using a fluorescence microscope with 360 nm excitation and 460 nm emission filters.

a) Since DAPI may be carcinogenic, extreme care is necessary during handling.b) Or you may replace the culture medium with 1/10 concentration of DAPI buffer solution.

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