Dojindo,MitoPeDPP/1/M466,MitoPeDPP 是一种细胞膜可渗透探针

MitoPeDPP 是一种细胞膜可渗透探针,基于苝的染料。 由于引入了三苯基鏻部分,它特别定位于线粒体。 MitoPeDPP 用于监测铁死亡研究中的脂质过氧化。由于 MitoPeDPP 的激发和发射波长分别为 452 nm 和 470 nm,该探针可用于活细胞中的亲脂性过氧化物成像。 Shioji 等人。 福冈大学化学系

Lipophilic Peroxide Detection in Mitochondria (cell line used: HepG2 cell)

A: MitoPeDPP stained Mitochondria with t-BHP treatmentB: MitoRed stained MitochondriaC: Merged Image (A/B)

Selectivity of MitoPeDPP as a Peroxides Probe Even though MitoPeDPP reacts with various peroxides (H2O2, t-BHP, ONOO-) in homogeneous systems (data is not shown), the MitoPeDPP is specifically-oxidized by t-BHP in mitochondria (A) but not with ROS and RNS (B).

A: MitoPeDPP stained cells with t-BHP treatment (t-BHP) and without (control).B: MitoPeDPP stained cells with ROS or RNS exposure.*As ROS generators, PMA (O2・), NOC7 (NO), and SIN-1 (ONOO) were used in the experiments.*Abbreviationst-BHP: tert-butylhydroperoxidePMA: Phorbol Myristate AcetateNOC7: 1-Hydroxy-2-oxo-3-(N-methyl-3-aminopropyl)-3-methyl-1-triazineSIN-1: 3-(Morpholinyl)sydnonimine, hydrochloride