
发现培养基中的一种分泌蛋白是 ES 和 iPS 向内胚层细胞转化水平的标志物。 (发表于:H. Iwashita, S. Kume, PloS ONE., 2013, 8(5): e64291)细胞培养上清液中该标记蛋白的量通过 ELISA 测定。 它可用于监测内胚层细胞从 ES/iPS 细胞分化的效率。 由于该试剂盒专为 96 孔微孔板格式而设计,因此适用于多种样品测量,例如筛选诱导物以进行分化或优化培养条件。

RT-PCR Measurement of each Marker :The secretory protein has a good correlation with Sox 17 and Foxa2 which are commonly used proteins as markers of endoderm differentiation.

Comparison with Conventional Techniques :

Dojindo Kit PCR Immunostaining Flow Cytometry
Procedure 3 hours > 7 hours 1-2 days > 4 hours
Sample Supernatant mRNA Whole cells Whole cells
ContinuousCell Culture Possible Impossible Impossible Impossible
Marker Marker Protein Sox17, Foxa2 Sox17, Foxa2 CXCR4

Measurement of Procedure :

mmunocytochemical(ICC) Analysis:[Sample: Murine ES cell]

Most of the Foxa2 positive cells are co-stained with the marker protein.The three images in the upper row were obtained from conventional ICC analysis. Normally, Foxa2 and Sox17 double positive cells are defined as differentiated into endodermal cells.

Differentiation Monitoring by ICC and ELISA:[Sample: Human iPS cell]

Human iPS 253G1 cells were differentiated into the definitive endoderm. They were being monitored with ELISA assay to measure the amount of marker protein secreted or ICC analysis for Sox17 and Foxa2 double positive cells.

The two bar graphs show the correlation of the amount of secreted protein with the amount of Sox17 and Foxa2 double positive cells from day 1 to day 5 (D1 to D5) of differentiation.