Dojindo,DAB/5/D006,DAB 被氧化成棕色色素

DAB 是免疫组化中检测过氧化物酶最常用的氧化显色染料之一。 在 H2O2 和过氧化物酶的存在下,DAB 被氧化成棕色色素。 这些棕色色素是苯胺黑类化合物,牢固地沉积在细胞膜或组织上的过氧化物酶周围。 由于加工或储存过程中的氧化,市场上的大多数 DAB 呈现棕色。 另一方面,Dojindo 提供高质量的 DAB,外观呈白色或略带红灰色的粉末,适合锐利染色。

Preparation of Sample Staining Solution1. Dissolve 9 mg DAB with 1 ml PBS to prepare 100X DAB solution.2. Mix 5 μl of 30% hydrogen peroxidase solution with 1 ml PBS to prepare 200X H2O2 solution.3. Add 10 ul of 100X DAB solution and 5 ul of 200X H2O2 solution to 1 ml PBS to prepare staining solutiona).4. Add the staining solution to a sample in a staining chamber, and incubate the sample at room temperature for 5 minutes to 1 hourb).5. Wash the sample with PBS several times to stop the staining reaction.

a)The staining solution is not stable. Prepare fresh solution prior to use.b)For better staining, incubate the sample with 0.09 mg DAB/PBS solution for 10 minutes before adding the staining solution.

1. A. B. Novikoff, et al., Studies on Microperoxisomes V. Are Microperoxisomes Ubiquitous in Mammalian Cells. J Histochem Cytochem. 1973;21:737.2. V. Herzog, et al., A New Sensitive Colorimetric Assay for Peroxidaase Using 3, 3 EDiaminobenzidine as Hydrogen Donor. Anal Biochem. 1973;55:554.3. H. Yamada, et al., Improvement of Technique of Immunohistochemical Demonstraction of Bioactive Substances in the Central Nervous System. Acta Histochem Cytochem. 1987;20:629.4. K. L. Cheng, Determination of Traces of Selenium 3,3 EDiaminobenzidine as Selenium(IV) Organic Reagent. Anal Chem. 1956;28:1738.

Cell Staining Redox Dyes


细胞活力和细胞毒性测定用于药物筛选和化学物质的细胞毒性测试。Dojindo开发了高度水溶性的四唑盐,称为WST。WST-8是高度稳定的WST,用于Cell Counting Kit-8(CCK-8)。由于WST-8甲maz是水溶性的,因此不会形成晶体。因此,不需要诸如MTT测定的增溶过程。此外,CCK-8的检测灵敏度高于其他四唑盐,例如MTT,XTT,MTS或WST-1。





应用 产品展示
细胞生长检测,药物筛选,比色/荧光检测 细胞计数试剂盒-8
细胞计数试剂盒8 + 96孔有机硅定向剂
-WST 96孔有机硅定向剂
了解检测机制的差异: 点击这里
细胞周期分析 细胞周期测定溶液深红色