
FDA 具有细胞膜渗透性,并以荧光素的形式积聚在活细胞内(图 1)。 由于荧光素的亲水性低于 BCECF 或钙黄绿素,因此荧光素从细胞中的渗漏率相当高。 FDA 也用于流式细胞术。 荧光素的激发和发射波长分别为 488 nm 和 530 nm。

Cell staining mechanism

Staining Procedure1.Prepare 0.5 mg/ml FDA stock solution with DMSO. Dilute 10 ul of the stock solution with 5 ml PBS(-).2.Prepare a cell suspension and wash cells with PBS(-). Prepare 1×105-1×106 cells/ml cell suspension3.Add 15 ul FDA solution to 30 ul cell suspension, and incubate at 37ºC for 15-30 min.4.Put 10 ul stained cell suspension on a glass slide and cover with a cover glass.5.Observe the cells under a fluorescence microscope with 488 nm excitation and 530 nm emission filters.

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