Dojindo,Cellstain-Calcein AM/1/C326,Calcein-AM 与 Calcein 相比具有增强的疏水性

Calcein-AM 与 Calcein 相比具有增强的疏水性,因此很容易通过活细胞的细胞膜。 钙黄绿素-AM 渗入细胞质后,被酯酶水解成钙黄绿素,钙黄绿素留在细胞内(图 1)。 在其他试剂中,包括 BCECF-AM 和羧基荧光素二乙酸酯,Calcein-AM 是最适合用于染色活细胞的荧光探针,因为它的细胞毒性低。 钙黄绿素不抑制任何细胞功能,例如淋巴细胞的增殖或趋化性。 此外,使用钙黄绿素的活力测定是可靠的,并且与标准的 51Cr 释放测定具有良好的相关性。 钙黄绿素的激发和发射波长分别为 490 nm 和 515 nm。

Fig. 1 Cell staining mechanism

*caution* Please tap the tube before opening, and open it with care. The content may have relocated from the bottom of the tube during the shipping.

*caution*Please tap the tube before opening, and open it with care. The content may have relocated from the bottom of the tube during the shipping.

Staining Procedure1.Prepare 1 mM Calcein-AM solution with DMSO and dilute to prepare 1-50 μM Calcein-AM solution with PBS.a) 2.Add Calcein-AM solution with 1/10 of the volume of cell culture medium to the cell culture.b) 3.Incubate the cell at 37ºC for 15-30 min. 4.Wash cells twice with PBS or an appropriate buffer. 5.Observe the cells under a fluorescence microscope with 490 nm excitation and 515 nm emission filters.

a) If the Calcein-AM has difficulty loading into cells, use a detergent such as Pluronic F127.b) Or you may replace the culture medium with 1/10 concentration of Calcein-AM buffer solution.

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