Dojindo,FeBABE/1/F279,Bromoacetamidobenzyl-EDTA (BABE) 是一种螯合标记试剂与巯基结合

Product Description of BABEs
Bromoacetamidobenzyl-EDTA (BABE) 是一种螯合标记试剂,可与巯基结合。 BABE 的铁螯合物 (FeBABE) 是一种独特的工具,用于确定蛋白质的三维结构以及蛋白质-蛋白质或蛋白质-DNA 复合物的结合结构。 BABE 通过其巯基将 EDTA 部分添加到蛋白质中。 一旦附着在蛋白质上,FeBABE 就会切割附近的肽或 DNA 链。 切割位点在 FeBABE 结合位点的 12 埃以内。 铁 (II)-螯合物在过氧化氢存在下切割肽或 DNA 链。 裂解反应迅速完成:10 秒到 20 分钟的孵育就足够了。 用凝胶电泳如 SDS-PAGE 分析切割片段的大小。
Structural Formula:

Labeling Procedure1. 将蛋白溶液在偶联缓冲液(10-20 mM MOPS、0.2 M NaCl、2 mM EDTA、5% 甘油、pH 8.0)中于 4ºC 透析过夜。 2. 透析后,将蛋白质浓度调整到 15-30 mM.3。 将 15 μl 20 mM FeBABE DMSO 溶液添加到 1 ml 蛋白质溶液中,并在 37ºC 下孵育 1 小时。 FeBABE 的最终浓度为 0.3 mM(比蛋白质过量 10-20 倍)。4。 在 4ºC 下将反应混合物在蛋白质储存缓冲液(10-20 mM Tris、0.1-0.2 M KCl、10 mM MgCl2、0.1 mM EDTA、50% 甘油、pH 7.6)中透析过夜。

Amrita Kumar and Charles P. Moran, Jr., Promoter Activation by Repositioning of RNA Polymerase, JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 2008, 190, 3110.Erin L. Benanti1 and Peter T. Chivers, Helicobacter pylori NikR Protein Exhibits Distinct Conformations When Bound to Different Promoters, THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 2011, 286, 15728.

Chih-Chien Wu, Yu-Chun Lin, and Hung-Ta Chen, The TFIIF-Like Rpc37/53 Dimer Lies at the Center of a Protein Network To Connect TFIIIC, Bdp1, and the RNA Polymerase III Active Center, MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, 2011, 31, 2715.

1. L. H. DeRiemer, C. F. Meares, D. A. Goodwin and C. I. Diamanti, BLEDTA II: Synthesis of a New Tumer-Visualizing Derivative of Co(III)-bleomycin, J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm., 1981, 18, 1517.2. T. M. Rana and C. F. Meares, Specific Cleavage of a Protein by an Attached Iron Chelate, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1990, 112, 2457.3. T. M. Rana and C. F. Meares, Transfer of Oxigen from an artificial protease to peptide carbon during proteolysis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1991, 88, 10578.4. D. P. Greiner, R. Miyake, J. K. Moran, A. D. Jones, T. Negishi, A. Ishihama, and C. F. Meares, Synthesis of the Protein Cutting Reagent Iron (S)-1-(p- Bromoacetamidobenzyl) ethylebediaminetetraacetate and Conjuation to cysteine Sie Cahins, Bioconjugate Chem., 1997, 8, 44.5. E. Platis, M. R. Ermacora and R. O. Fox, Oxidative Polypeptide Cleavage Mediated by EDTA-Fe Covalently Linked to Cysteine Residue, Biochemistry, 1993, 32, 12761.6. S. L. Traviglia, S. A. Datwyler, D. Yan, A. Ishihama and C. F. Meares, Targeted Protein Footprinting: Where Different Transcription Factors bind to RNA Polymerase, Biochemistry, 1999, 38, 4259.7. J. B. Ghaim, D. P. Greiner, C. F. Meares and R. B. Gennis, Proximity Mapping the suface of Membrane Protein Using an Artificial Protease: Demonstration That the Quinone-Binding Domain of Subunit I Is near the N-Terminal Region of Subunit II of Cytochrome bd, Biochemistry, 1995, 34, 11311.8. R. Miyake, K. Murakami, J. T. Owens, D. P. Greiner, O. N. Ozoline, A. Ishihama and C. F. Meares, Dimeric Association of Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase alfa subunits, studied by Cleavage of Single-Cysteine alfa Sununits Conjugated to Iron-(S)-1-(p-(Bromoacetamido)benzyl) ethylenediaminetetraacetate, Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 1344.9. J. T. Owens, R. Miyake, K. Murakami, A. J. Chmura, N. Fujita, A. Ishihama and C. F. Meares, Mapping the sigma70 subunits contact sites on Escherichia coli RNA polymerase with a sigma70-conjugated chemical protease, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1998, 95, 6021.10. J. A. Bown, J. T. Owens, C. F. Meares, N. Fujita, A. Ishihama, S. J. Busby and S. D. Minchin, Organization of open complexes at Escherichia coli promoters. Location of promoter DNA sites close to region 2.5 of the sigma70 subunit of RNA polymerase, J. Biol. Chem., 1999, 274, 2263.11. F. Colland, N. Fujita, D. Kotlarz, J. A. Bown, C. F. Meares, A. Ishihama and A. Kolb, Positioning of sigma(S), the stationary phase sigma factor, in Escherichia coli RNA polymerase-promoter open complexes, EMBO J., 1999, 18, 4049.12. G. M. Heilek, R. Marusak, C. F. Meares and H. F. Noller, Directed hydroxyl radical probing of 16S rRNA using Fe(II) tethered to ribosomal protein S4, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1995, 92, 1113.13. G. M. Heilek and H. F. Noller, Site-directed hydroxyl radical probing of the rRNA neighborhood of ribosomal protein S5, Science, 1996, 272, 1659.14. K. R. Lieberman and H. F. Noller, Ribosomal protein L15 as a probe of 50 S ribosomal subunit structure., J. Mol. Biol., 1998, 284, 1367.

Dojindo,BABE/10/B437,Bromoacetamidobenzyl-EDTA (BABE) 是一种螯合标记试剂与巯基结合

Product Description of BABEs
Bromoacetamidobenzyl-EDTA (BABE) 是一种螯合标记试剂,可与巯基结合。 BABE 的铁螯合物 (FeBABE) 是一种独特的工具,用于确定蛋白质的三维结构以及蛋白质-蛋白质或蛋白质-DNA 复合物的结合结构。 BABE 通过其巯基将 EDTA 部分添加到蛋白质中。 一旦附着在蛋白质上,FeBABE 就会切割附近的肽或 DNA 链。 切割位点在 FeBABE 结合位点的 12 埃以内。 铁 (II)-螯合物在过氧化氢存在下切割肽或 DNA 链。 裂解反应迅速完成:10 秒到 20 分钟的孵育就足够了。 用凝胶电泳如 SDS-PAGE 分析切割片段的大小。

Labeling Procedure1. Dialyze the protein solution in conjugation buffer (10-20 mM MOPS, 0.2 M NaCl, 2 mM EDTA, 5% glycerol, pH 8.0) at 4ºC overnight.2. After dialysis, adjust the protein concentration to 15-30 mM.3. Add 15 ml of 20 mM FeBABE DMSO solution to 1 ml of the protein solution and incubate it at 37ºC for 1 hour. The final concentration of FeBABE is 0.3 mM (10-20X excess to the protein).4. Dialyze the reaction mixture in protein storage buffer (10-20 mM Tris, 0.1-0.2 M KCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM EDTA, 50% glycerol, pH 7.6) at 4ºC overnight.

1. L. H. DeRiemer, C. F. Meares, D. A. Goodwin and C. I. Diamanti, BLEDTA II: Synthesis of a New Tumer-Visualizing Derivative of Co(III)-bleomycin, J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm., 1981, 18, 1517.2. T. M. Rana and C. F. Meares, Specific Cleavage of a Protein by an Attached Iron Chelate, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1990, 112, 2457.3. T. M. Rana and C. F. Meares, Transfer of Oxigen from an artificial protease to peptide carbon during proteolysis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1991, 88, 10578.4. D. P. Greiner, R. Miyake, J. K. Moran, A. D. Jones, T. Negishi, A. Ishihama, and C. F. Meares, Synthesis of the Protein Cutting Reagent Iron (S)-1-(p-Bromoacetamidobenzyl) ethylebediaminetetraacetate and Conjuation to cysteine Sie Cahins, Bioconjugate Chem., 1997, 8, 44.5. E. Platis, M. R. Ermacora and R. O. Fox, Oxidative Polypeptide Cleavage Mediated by EDTA-Fe Covalently Linked to Cysteine Residue, Biochemistry, 1993, 32, 12761.6. S. L. Traviglia, S. A. Datwyler, D. Yan, A. Ishihama and C. F. Meares, Targeted Protein Footprinting: Where Different Transcription Factors bind to RNA Polymerase, Biochemistry, 1999, 38, 4259.7. J. B. Ghaim, D. P. Greiner, C. F. Meares and R. B. Gennis, Proximity Mapping the suface of Membrane Protein Using an Artificial Protease: Demonstration That the Quinone-Binding Domain of Subunit I Is near the N-Terminal Region of Subunit II of Cytochrome bd, Biochemistry, 1995, 34, 11311.8. R. Miyake, K. Murakami, J. T. Owens, D. P. Greiner, O. N. Ozoline, A. Ishihama and C. F. Meares, Dimeric Association of Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase alfa subunits, studied by Cleavage of Single-Cysteine alfa Sununits Conjugated to Iron-(S)-1-(p-(Bromoacetamido) benzyl)ethylenediaminetetraacetate, Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 1344.9. J. T. Owens, R. Miyake, K. Murakami, A. J. Chmura, N. Fujita, A. Ishihama and C. F. Meares, Mapping the sigma70 subunits contact sites on Escherichia coli RNA polymerase with a sigma70-conjugated chemical protease, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1998, 95, 6021.10. J. A. Bown, J. T. Owens, C. F. Meares, N. Fujita, A. Ishihama, S. J. Busby and S. D. Minchin, Organization of open complexes at Escherichia coli promoters. Location of promoter DNA sites close to region 2.5 of the sigma70 subunit of RNA polymerase, J. Biol. Chem., 1999, 274, 2263.11. F. Colland, N. Fujita, D. Kotlarz, J. A. Bown, C. F. Meares, A. Ishihama and A. Kolb, Positioning of sigma(S), the stationary phase sigma factor, in Escherichia coli RNA polymerase-promoter open complexes, EMBO J., 1999, 18, 4049.12. G. M. Heilek, R. Marusak, C. F. Meares and H. F. Noller, Directed hydroxyl radical probing of 16S rRNA using Fe(II) tethered to ribosomal protein S4, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1995, 92, 1113.13. G. M. Heilek and H. F. Noller, Site-directed hydroxyl radical probing of the rRNA neighborhood of ribosomal protein S5, Science, 1996, 272,