

产品名称 玛瑙球
英文名称 Agate Grinding Ball
品牌 芯硅谷
别名 研磨珠;研磨球;玛瑙研磨球;玛瑙珠
英文别名 Bead Agate Grinding Ball;Agate Ball;Grinding Ball
规格或纯度 材质:天然玛瑙

● 材质:天然玛瑙

● 颜色:灰白色透明

● 比重大,强度高,粉碎效率高,可缩短处理时间.

● 真球度高,表面光滑,直径分布小,可进行高精度产品的破碎和分散.

● 因使用高纯度天然玛瑙原料,使其具有高纯性,可以最小限度地限制杂质的混入.

● 耐磨性能好,寿命长,不需频繁的补充玛瑙研磨球,减少生产成本.

● 对粘性和比重大的被粉碎物的湿式粉碎和分散也可发挥较大的威力.


● 材质:天然玛瑙
● 颜色:灰白色透明
● 比重大,强度高,粉碎效率高,可缩短处理时间.
● 真球度高,表面光滑,直径分布小,可进行高精度产品的破碎和分散.
● 因使用高纯度天然玛瑙原料,使其具有高纯性,可以最小限度地限制杂质的混入.
● 耐磨性能好,寿命长,不需频繁的补充玛瑙研磨球,减少生产成本.
● 对粘性和比重大的被粉碎物的湿式粉碎和分散也可发挥较大的威力.

货号 品名 直径 标准圆度误差 包装
A2238-12mm-5EA 玛瑙球  12mm  ±0.2~0.3mm  1包(5个)
A2238-20mm-1EA 玛瑙球  20mm  ±0.5mm  1个
A2238-7mm-10EA 玛瑙球  7mm  ±0.2~0.3mm  1包(10个)
A2238-5mm-10EA 玛瑙球  5mm  ±0.2~0.3mm  1包(10个)
A2238-10mm-5EA 玛瑙球  10mm  ±0.2~0.3mm  1包(5个)
A2238-15mm-5EA 玛瑙球  15mm  ±0.2~0.3mm  1包(5个)
A2238-25mm-1EA 玛瑙球  25mm  ±1mm  1个
A2238-30mm-1EA 玛瑙球  30mm  ±1mm  1个

Agate ball is made of imported and domestic natural agate as raw material.It not only has high hardness,toughness,but also has high resistance to wear,long life.For use in the Horizontal Mixer Mill,Mixing mill and so on
● Material:Natural Agate
● Color:Of-white and clear
● Has highly intensity and strength.Crushing efficiency is higher,so the processing time can be shortened
● High degree of the ball, smooth surface,small diameter,can be used for high precision products of fragmentation and dispersion.
● The use of highly pure natural agate raw materials,so that it has a high purity,can be minimal to limit the impurities mixed.
● Good wear resistance,long life,no frequent supplementary agate grinding ball,reduce production costs.
● The wet crushing and dispersion of the material being crushed and larger than the material can also exert a greater power.

Product ID Diameter Diameter Tolerance
A2238-12mm-5EA  12mm  ±0.2~0.3mm
A2238-20mm-1EA  20mm  ±0.5mm
A2238-7mm-10EA  7mm  ±0.2~0.3mm
A2238-5mm-10EA  5mm  ±0.2~0.3mm
A2238-10mm-5EA  10mm  ±0.2~0.3mm
A2238-15mm-5EA  15mm  ±0.2~0.3mm
A2238-25mm-1EA  25mm  ±1mm
A2238-30mm-1EA  30mm  ±1mm



产品名称 氧化锆瓷球
英文名称 Zirconia Porcelain Ball
品牌 芯硅谷
别名 耐磨陶瓷球;研磨陶瓷球;氧化锆陶瓷球;氧化锆磨介
英文别名 Ceramics Ball Mills;Zirconia Grinding Media;Zirconia Porcelain Ball;ZrO2 Ceramic Ball
规格或纯度 材质:氧化锆陶瓷;颜色:白色

● 材质:氧化锆陶瓷

● 颜色:白色

● 氧化锆含量:95%

● 耐腐蚀中等酸、中等碱、海水中亦可使用

● 耐高温,氧化锆陶瓷球在600℃时,强度、硬度几乎不变

● 不导磁、绝缘性,磁场中亦可使用、不导电

● 重量轻、比一般轴承的轴承轻1/2,其密度为6g/cm3

● 高钢性、高硬度、其硬度比轴承钢高1/2倍,弹性模量210

● 配套球磨罐使用

● 高膨胀率:热膨胀率接近金属,可与金属接合使用

● 氧化锆陶瓷球的线膨胀系数为10.5×10-6

● 氧化锆陶瓷球的自润滑性可以解决润滑介质造成的污染和添加不便等问题



● 材质:氧化锆陶瓷
● 颜色:白色
● 氧化锆含量:95%
● 耐腐蚀中等酸、中等碱、海水中亦可使用
● 耐高温,氧化锆陶瓷球在600℃时,强度、硬度几乎不变
● 不导磁、绝缘性,磁场中亦可使用、不导电
● 重量轻、比一般轴承的轴承轻1/2,其密度为6g/cm3
● 高钢性、高硬度、其硬度比轴承钢高1/2倍,弹性模量210
● 配套球磨罐使用
● 高膨胀率:热膨胀率接近金属,可与金属接合使用
● 氧化锆陶瓷球的线膨胀系数为10.5×10-6
● 氧化锆陶瓷球的自润滑性可以解决润滑介质造成的污染和添加不便等问题


货号 品名 球直径 直径误差范围 重量 包装
Z2359-01-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  1mm  ±0.3mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-10-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  20mm  ±2mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-03-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  3mm  ±0.3mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-04-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  5mm  ±0.4mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-07-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  8.5mm  ±0.5mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-05-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  6.5mm  ±0.5mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-02-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  2mm  ±0.3mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-08-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  10mm  ±0.5mm  1kg  1包
Z2359-09-1kg 氧化锆瓷球  15mm  ±1mm  1kg  1包

This product is particularly suitable for vertical stirred mill,horizontal rolling mill,vibration mill,and various high-wire-speed sanding stick pins,etc.;the requirements of the refusal to cross-contamination of the slurry and powder for wet,dry dispersion and the ultra-fine grinding.Zirconia oxide ceramic for low friction,high hardness,density,and shock tolerance,and resistance to chemicals,heat,and fracturing.
● Material:ZrO2 Ceramic
● Color:White
● Zirconia Ceramic Content:95%
● Corrosion moderate acid,alkali medium,can also be used in seawater
● High temperature resistance.Strength and hardness almost unchanged at 600 ℃
● Non-magnetic,dielectric.Can use at magnetic field,non-conductive
● Light weight,lighter than 1/2 of the bearing.Density is 6.00g/cm3
● High rigidity,high hardness,high hardness 1/2 than the bearing steel,elastic modulus is 210
● Supporting the milling tank
● High expansion:coefficient of thermal expansion close to the metal,can use with the metal
● Zirconia ceramic balls linear expansion coefficient is 10.5×10-6
● Zirconia ceramic balls’ self-lubrication can solve the pollution and inconvenience of add caused by lubricating medium

Specifications and parameters

Item No. Ball diameter Diameter error range Weight Package
Z2359-01-1kg  1mm  ±0.3mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-10-1kg  20mm  ±2mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-03-1kg  3mm  ±0.3mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-04-1kg  5mm  ±0.4mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-07-1kg  8.5mm  ±0.5mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-05-1kg  6.5mm  ±0.5mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-02-1kg  2mm  ±0.3mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-08-1kg  10mm  ±0.5mm  1kg 1packet
Z2359-09-1kg  15mm  ±1mm  1kg 1packet