Dojindo,Allophycocyanin Labeling Kit-SH/3/LK24,别藻蓝蛋白标记试剂盒

藻胆蛋白是源自蓝细菌和真核藻类的荧光蛋白。它们的荧光远高于荧光素和罗丹明等化学荧光探针。别藻蓝蛋白 (APC) 是一种藻胆蛋白,在 660 nm 附近有红色荧光(图 1)。由于这种高荧光,藻胆蛋白标记的抗体和其他分子可以在流式细胞术和免疫染色中提供更高的灵敏度。别藻蓝蛋白标记试剂盒-SH 用于简单快速地制备 APC 标记的 IgG(图 2)。 SH-reactive APC(本试剂盒的一个组成部分)具有马来酰亚胺基团,无需任何活化过程即可轻松与目标分子的巯基形成共价键。该套件中的过滤管允许快速更换缓冲液并浓缩样品 IgG 溶液。该试剂盒包含 APC 标记所需的所有试剂,包括用于制备具有 SH 基团的还原型 IgG 的还原剂和用于偶联物的储存缓冲液。

Precaution♦ 使用本试剂盒标记的还原蛋白的分子量应大于 50,000。♦ 标记过程中,IgG 或别藻蓝蛋白结合的 IgG 始终在过滤管的膜上。♦ 如果 IgG 溶液中含有其他具有分子 重量大于 10,000,例如 BSA 或明胶,在使用该试剂盒标记别藻蓝蛋白之前纯化 IgG 溶液。 IgG 溶液可通过 IgG 纯化试剂盒(本试剂盒未提供)进行纯化。♦ 如果 IgG 溶液含有少量不溶性物质,则将溶液离心并使用上清液进行标记。

Can I use this kit for F(ab)”2?
Yes, please follow the labeling protocol for IgG. The recovery of the conjugate should be over 80%.
Can I use this kit for other proteins?
Yes, if the molecular weight of the reduced form is greater than 50,000 and it has a reactive SH group, or a disulfide group that can be reduced without losing activity. Follow the labeling protocol for IgG, and use 0.5-1 nmol of sample protein.
How many R-PE molecules per reduced IgG are introduced?
The average number of APC molecule per reduced IgG is 1 to 2.
Do I have to use the Filtration tube prior to labeling the protein?
If the protein solution does not contain small molecules with reactive SH groups and the concentration of the protein is 10 mg per ml, or about 70 μM, there is no need to use the Filtration tube. Just mix 10 μl of the sample solution with Reaction buffer and add the mixture to a vial of the SH-reactive R-PE.
Do I have to use WS buffer included with the kit?
Yes. Use the WS buffer to prepare a stock solution of the conjugate. However, you can choose any kind of buffer appropriate to dilute the conjugate stock solution for your experiment.



应用 产品展示
细胞生长检测,药物筛选,比色/荧光检测 细胞计数试剂盒-8
细胞计数试剂盒8 + 96孔有机硅定向剂
-WST 96孔有机硅定向剂
了解检测机制的差异: 点击这里
细胞周期分析 细胞周期测定溶液深红色