
谷氨酰胺是 α-酮戊二酸(三羧酸 (TCA) 循环中间体之一)的来源,是用于产生能量以及合成核酸和其他氨基酸的重要物质。 谷氨酰胺分解,即谷氨酰胺作为底物转化为α-酮戊二酸的过程,在癌细胞中被上调。 一项研究报告说,谷氨酰胺分解在很大程度上有助于清除活性氧和减少氧化的谷胱甘肽。谷氨酰胺检测试剂盒-WST 可以量化谷氨酰胺,一种能量代谢的底物。 我们的谷氨酰胺检测试剂盒-WST 旨在量化谷氨酰胺作为代谢物。 该试剂盒允许您通过 WST 还原反应对培养基或细胞内谷氨酰胺中存在的谷氨酰胺进行定量。 可量化的谷氨酰胺最低浓度为 5 μmol/l。 该试剂盒可与 96 孔微孔板一起使用,从而可以分析多个样本。

PrincipleThe kit is used to detect Glutamine in cell culture medium by measuring the absorbance of WST formazan produced according to quantities of glutamine. The kit includes a “Glutamine Standard” which can be used to quantify the concentration of lactate found within samples by creating standard curve.

Simple Assay Procedure

*The glutamine concentration can be calculated by using the following equation:glutamine (mmol/l) = (Glutaminase solution (+))-(Glutaminase solution (-))

Standard CurveStandard curve can be prepared by using Glutamine Standard included in the kit. The concentration of Glutamine can be measured. The concentration of glutamine can be evaluated by diluting the samples if the concentration is over 0.5 mmol/l.

Example of Measurements of Glutamine/Glutamate levelA549 cells were seeded on 6-well plates. Glutamine concentrations in the culture supernatant over incubation time were measured using the Glutamine Assay Kit-WST, and changes in glutamate concentration were measured using the Glutamate Assay Kit-WST. As a result, upregulated glutaminolysis led to a time-dependent decrease in glutamine concentrations and a time-dependent increase in glutamate concentrations in culture medium.

How many samples can I measure?

The number of samples that can be recorded when the standard curve and sample is measured in triplicates.100 testsSample 12 samples*(measured in triplicate – See picture below)

A plate layout for Glutamate standard solution and sample

Prepare a test sample to be assayed. Please note that a minimum of 240 μl of sample (e.g., supernatant, lysate) is needed for each test sampleThe glutamine concentration can be calculated by using the following equation:glutamine (mmol/l) = (Glutaminase solution (+))-(Glutaminase solution (-))

How stable is Working solution?

You can’t store the Working solution. Please prepare the Working solution prior to use. Please protect from light because the Working solution is light-sensitive.

Can I quantify D-Glutamine levels?

No, the kit is used for the quantification of L-Glutamine levels.

Can I measure samples that contain a reducing agent?

You can’t accurately measure Glutamine levels if your samples contain a reducing agent. WST dye interferes with the reducing agent and can cause errors in observations. If you add a testing material that has reducing properties, please prepare a few wells that only contains the medium (no cells) and testing material for background control.

Our samples did not change in color, are there any reasons for this?
Glutamine level found within the sample may be lower than the detection limit (5 µmol/l) that can be measured using this kit.If you dilute the sample, lactate level present in the diluted sample may be lower than 5 µmol/l.Please lower the dilution ratio and adjust the concentration of the sample over the detection limit that was measured using this kit.