
Bacstain-细菌活力检测试剂盒是用于细菌荧光双染的系列产品。 通过组合不同类型的荧光染料,可以获得每个指标(膜损伤、呼吸活性和酯酶活性)的染色图像。 细菌活力通常通过营养琼脂培养基中的菌落形成来评估。 然而,这需要很长的培养时间,并且很难识别有活力但不可培养 (VNC) 的细菌的生长。 然而,荧光染色不需要细菌培养,并且可以通过快速和简单的协议进行活力评估。

-Bacstain- Bacterial Viability Detection Kit – CFDA/PI uses esterase activity of bacteria and bacterial membrane damage as an index. CFDA is hydrolyzed to carboxyfluorescein―which is fluorescent―by intracellular esterase. PI is a parallel intercalator into the DNA double helix that stains nucleic acids; it passes only through damaged bacterial membranes. Thus, this kit can be used to measure the ratio of bacteria with esterase activity to membrane-damaged bacteria on the analysis of the fluorescent images from each stain.


Simple Procedure


Double-staining of Staphylococcus aureus (a Gram-positive bacterium)


Quantitative analysis

-Bacstain- Bacterial Viability Detection Kit – DAPI/PI (BS08) and –CTC/DAPI (BS09) were used to evaluate the effect of benzalkonium chloride on S. aureus (Gram-positive bacteria) by fluorescent imaging. The images were quantified by ImageJ and show the correlation with drug concentration.The results showed that the effects of benzalkonium chloride on the respiratory activity and membrane damage of S. aureus varied greatly depending on the indicator detected.The evaluation of multiple indicators will contribute to improving the reliability of drug efficacy measurements by providing a multidimensional view of the activity of the bacterium that would be missed by a single indicator.


Related Product Information

Product Size Product Code
-Bacstain- CFDA solution 100 assays BS03
-Bacstain- DAPI solution 100 assays BS04
-Bacstain- AO solution 100 assays BS05
-Bacstain- PI solution 100 assays BS07
-Bacstain- CTC Rapid Staining Kit (for Flow cytometry) 100 assays BS01
-Bacstain- CTC Rapid Staining Kit (for Microscopy) 100 assays BS02