
蛋白质硫醇的修饰是最重要的翻译后修饰之一,它的发生取决于细胞中的氧化还原状态。蛋白质 S-亚硝基化是蛋白质硫醇的 NO(一氧化氮)依赖性修饰,对于调节转录、蛋白质表达和信号转导等细胞功能至关重要。 -SulfoBiotics- 蛋白质 S-亚硝基化监测试剂盒允许通过凝胶电泳分析检测 S-亚硝基化蛋白质。该试剂盒包含用于阻断蛋白质上游离硫醇、还原 S-亚硝基化硫醇和标记还原硫醇的化学试剂。在阻断蛋白质的游离硫醇后,S-亚硝基化硫醇被还原剂选择性还原,并用蛋白质-SHifter Plus标记,这是一种由高分子量组成的新型马来酰亚胺化合物。当一个蛋白质-SHifter Plus 分子与蛋白质的硫醇基团结合时,通过凝胶电泳分析观察到对应于约 15 kDa 分子量的迁移率变化。因此,蛋白质上的 S-亚硝基化硫醇基团的数量可以通过 SDS-PAGE 通过迁移率变化分析清楚地识别。此外,Protein-SHifter Plus 部分可以在凝胶电泳后用紫外线照射在凝胶中从标记的蛋白质上切割下来,因为 Protein-SHifter Plus 在分子中具有紫外光可裂解部分。因此,经紫外线照射处理的蛋白质可以从凝胶转移到 PVDF 膜上,并在膜上被特异性抗体检测到与未标记的蛋白质相似。

Figure 1 Schematic Protocol of Protein S-Nitrosylation Monitoring Kit

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Analysis of GAPDH (Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) S-Nitrosylation in HeLa cell

1.HeLa cells were seeded on a 24-wells plate at the concentration of 5 x 10 cells/well and cultured overnight at 37oCin a 5% CO2 incubator (culture media : MEM).2.The cells were washed using HBSS (500 μl) twice, and two different concentrations of S-nitrosocysteine solutions (1 mmol/l and 100 μmol/l) in PBS (500 μl) was added to each well.3.The cells were incubated at 37oC for 45 minutes.4.After the cells were washed using HBSS (500 μl) twice, Blocking Solution (200 μl) was added to each well. Then, the cells were dissolved by pipetting.5.The cell lysate was transferred to each tube, and incubated at 37oC for 10 minutes.6.Cold acetone (1 ml) was added to each tube, and the supernatants were removed after centrifugation of the tubes at 12,000 x g for 3 minutes.7.Step 6 was repeated.8.Cold 70% EtOH solution (1 ml) was added, and the supernatants were removed after centrifugation of the tubes at 12,000 x g for 3 minutes.9.Lysis Buffer (20 μl) was added, and the cell pellet was dissolved by vortex and sonication.10.RA Solution (4 μl) was added to Protein-SHifter Plus and mixed by pipetting.11.The solution (2 μl) of Step 9 and Reaction Buffer B (4 μl) were added to the tube of Step 10, and the solution was mixed by pipetting.12.The tube of Step 11 was incubated at 37oC for 30 minutes.13.Loading Buffer ([10 (w/v) % sodium dodecyl sulfate, 50 (v/v) % glycerol, 0.2 mol/l Tris-HCl (pH 6.8) , 0.05 (w/v) % bromophenol blue], 2 μl) was added to the tube of Step 12 and mixed by pipetting.14.The solution of Step 13 was used for SDS-polyacrylamide gel (10-20%) electrophoresis.15.The gel was exposed with UV rays(302 nm) using a transilluminator for 10 minutes.16.The separated proteins in the gel were electrophoretically transferred onto a PVDF membrane.17.The GAPDH on the membrane was detected with anti-GAPDH antibody, HRP labeled secondary antibody, and luminol substrate.

Figure 2 Analysis of GAPDH S-Nitrosylation in HeLa cells